cPanel Web-Hosting WHM

Restart cPanel Service or stop cpanel whm on vps or dedicated server.

Unable to access cPanel WHM?

Restart cPanel Service or stop cpanel whm on vps or dedicated server.

WHM cPanel is a industry standard most popular web-hosting control panel. CPSRVD is the service used to run a cPanel web server. On a web server cpsrvd is running at the background. Major tasks such as maintenance, security checks, and most importantly, it serve WebHost Manager (WHM) web page. If by any chance cpsrvd is stopped, it is almost impossible to get into WHM, your access will be blocked to login to WHM cPanel control panel.

If the cPanel service is down, you can’t perform any of the task trhough WHM to resolve the issue. In fact this service should get start automatically as per the documentation says, but there are chances it will not come up if there is a problem with the configuration. So, what’s the resolve? Get into the server via ssh. What if you don’t have that? Sorry, that’s the only option left with you, so you will need to get connected with the system admin/ vps or dedicated hosting provider / data center technicians to get the cPanel cpsrvd service restarted for you, or start the cpsrvd service if it is stopped.

If you have access to ssh, it’s good. You can perfrom one of the folloing command on your server. Login to server with root access. Then, run one of the following commands:

If you are sure that cPanel service is stopped… ?
To check the status…
#service cpanel status
cpsrvd (pid  7575) is running/stopped…
If stopped… to restart the cpanel service…
#service cpanel restart
#/etc/init.d/cpanel restart
#/etc/rc.d/init.d/cpanel restart

The command will stop the services first and then start the cpsrvd daemon again.
You should be able to login to cpanel/whm from your browser now.

Online Security Web-Hosting

How do I know if I have a secure connection for online transactions?

Online transactions – Major security concern.

Address of the secured website/online store always starts with http(s). So ssl_certificatebefore you enter any transaction details on the trasanction page, check if the page is secured with the certificate verified. In the web browser: Internet Explorer or FireFox or Opera or Safari etc., you will see a lock icon (lockpad) in the Security Status bar. In IE the Security Status bar is located on the right side of the address bar.

The certificate that is used to encrypt the connection also contains information about the identity of the website owner or organization. To get the more information about the installed SSL certificate, you can click the lock to view the identity of the website.

If everything is okey you are in safe hands.

Happy shopping!

Bandwidth Web-Hosting

Why dont you provide unlimited bandwidth and unlimited web-space plans

Do you provide an unlimited data transfer and unlimited web-space hosting package?

No, we do not provide unlimited hosting packages as there is no such ‘unlimited’ thing exists. In order to ensure high quality bandwidth and uptime to our respected customers we don’t allow anyone to be hosted on our web server to use unlimited bandwidth, data-transfer / throughput.

There are some hosting provider exists that offer free hosting or offer “unlimited bandwidth” and “unlimited web-space” plans. But after reading their acceptable use policies you will find that no site is allowed to use an “excessive” amount of resources. If you use too much resources, whether it is disk-space, bandwidth or CPU time, these “unlimited” hosts will ask you to upgrade or leave or will suspend your website.

We don’t give false promises.

Domain Name Web-Hosting www

How to point multiple domain names to my existing website?

Do you allow to point multiple domain names to my existing website?

Yes, this is also called as domain parking. We can point multiple domains for you to your existing website. For this you will need to submit your request through support help desk. These domains must point to your main website.

If you are looking to host another website under the same hosting package, please get in touch with our sales team. We do offer generous multiple domain hosting discounts to host multiple websites under single account. (Usually you won’t get this facility with other hosts.)

[Note: You will be sharing existing resources for all the websites you add under the existing hosting account. There won’t be a separate control panel for each website.]

Web-Hosting www

What is the difference between www and public_html ?

Is there any technical difference between www and public_html?

Actually, there is no difference between www and public_html. Technically, the default directory created to upload your web files is public_html. To make it more user friendly and understandable – www, the symbolic link is created (it is like a desktop shortcut) that points to the same folder. Upload your website related content to one of these folders, it doesn’t matter at all.