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HTML signature on Webmail Company Logo in Email

Creating HTML signature on Webmail, Squirrel, Roundcube Other Mail clients

You must be wondering how people add their company logo in the email signature! Just follow the steps given below and you will be able to add image in your email signature as well!
1. Log in to your webmail
2. Select Roundcube webmail application
3. Click on the Personal Settings on the Right Top Panel
4. Select on Identities Tab.
5. Double Click on the Display name.
6. Click on the HTML editor to enter your HTML signature
7. Click Save after you are done.
8. Go to Preference tab and check on the box for Compose HTML message.
9. Click Save and Done.

If you are not comfortable with the code then you might want to try the below given sample code and customize it as per your requirement:

Your name goes here
Your position goes here
Your Company Name
Your Tag Line
yourname@yourdomainname .com
Your phone number goes here

Your Company Name

You will want to change all the highlighted areas to the appropriate settings for your environment prior to placing in the signature area.

Note: If you are looking for the html signature in ‘SquirrelMail’ then you might get dissapointed as there is no html signature available in ‘Squirrel Webmail’. For html signature, you can start using ‘RoundCube’.

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