Email Hosting Setup WebMail

Setup email account on Android Smartphone

To setup a new email account on your Android or Smartphone…

Select “Add account” from Email tab.
Enter “Email Address”
Enter the password for “Email Address”
Press “Next”

Type of email account
You have the choice to choose the type of account you will be using on your android or smartphone.
POP3: Selecting this type will download and store emails on phone from the server.
IMAP: (Recommended) This will show a cached copy of email on your phone, emails will be stored on server.
Exchange: Exchange type is supported only for MSExchange type of server.


Email Account Setup

for Incoming Server Settings
Username: Enter your email address.
Password: Existing Password for your email account.
IMAP server: “”
NonSecure(No SSL): 143
Secure (SSL): 993
Security Type: Use “SSL/TLS – Accept all certificates” for best compatibility.
IMAP Path: INBOX (This will allow for you to store your Sent, Drafts and Deleted emails on the server.)

Press Next.

for Outgoing Server Settings
SMTP server:
NonSecure (No SSL): 25 or 26
Secure (SSL): 465
Security Type: “SSL/TLS – Accept all certificates” for best compatibility.
Require sign-in Check this for authentication with the mail server.
Username: Enter email address
Password: Password for email address.

Press Next.

Other Account Options

1. “Inbox Check Frequency” – Every 15 min. You may increase this to 30 to save you on battery.
2. “Notify me when email arrives” – Yes.
3. “Sync emails from this account” – Yes.
4. “Automatically download attachments when connected to wi-fi” – Yes.

Press Next.

Final Screen to finish email account setup
Give a name to your account. (if you have multiple accounts on the one device, it will be better to give name for each email account, Business, personal etc.)
Enter the name (Senders name displayed on outgoing messages) All outgoing emails that you send from this device it will show this name to recipient.

We are Done!

Related: Email Hosting, Email Server, EMail on Mobile Setup

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